
Wednesday, July 7, 2021

PEEL Structure Analysis


 I learnt PEEL structure to write Analysis

Back weight 

Forward weight 





















Range =Max - Min

105 - 77 = 28 

137 - 110.5 = 39


Inter quartile range= UQ-Lq

96 - 88 = 8 

117 - 104.5 = 12.5 


(1) Centre: I notice that the median weight of the forward sample is slightly higher/significantly higher /similar than the back weight  sample median. This means that there is only a small/huge/no difference between the median weights for this sample. The median weight for the forward is 110.5kg which is only 18.5kg higher than the back weight median of 92kg .


IQR (Interquartile range)= upper quartile - lower quartile

IQR of Back - IQR of Forward

I notice that the middle 50% of the weights for each of the sample distributions have a slightly higher/significantly higher /similar spread.

This means that there is only a small/huge/no difference between the median weight for this sample. The IQR for the forward sample is 12.5 m and the IQR for the back sample is 8kg



I notice that there is significant/slightly/ does not overlap between the forward and back middle 50% of  weights  in this sample distribution. The LQ, median, UQ of the forward sample is only slightly higher than the female sample.

This indicates that there is not much/ huge difference between the weight of forward and back students in this sample.

The forward sample LQ has shifted 16.5 up the scale, the median has shifted 21 up the scale and the UQ has shifted 21 up the scale.

Monday, September 9, 2019

My learnings in Social Studies today ( How Bills become laws )

How Bills becomes Laws

I will be talking about how bills become laws. Bills is a draft of a proposed law presented to parliament for discussion. Laws is a rule or set of rules that you have to follow. The first step is that it starts with the public, members of parliament may be lobbied to create or change laws. Then we have the introduction this is where the bill is introduced and members of parliament have time to read and consider it. Then there is the First reading which is where members of parliament debate and vote on the bill. If the vote is lost, the bill goes no further. If it is successful, it is sent to a select committee. The select committee usually has 6 months to gather information and prepare a report for the house. The report includes recommendations on any changes that may be needed. Then the second reading which is when the house debates the select committee report and votes on the bill. If the vote is lost, the bill goes no further. If successful, the bill is ready for the committee of the whole house. The committee of the whole house which members of parliament consider the bill in detail and vote on proposed changes. The committee reports to the house. The third reading which is the final debate and vote. If the vote is lost, the bill goes no further if successful, the bill has been passed. Then it is signed by the Governor-General and becomes an Act. 

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Parliament - Guns

Today in Social Studies, we learnt about law and legal ages in Auckland, New Zealand. One main thing that we learnt about was having guns in Auckland & Christchurch. As a class, we brainstormed why we think that guns should be banned, and here is one of them.
I believe that guns should be banned in New Zealand because there are too many people that are getting killed and risking their lives. Another, is that it is sad and tearful when you get a phone call and one of your loved ones has passed.

Image result for Guns

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Food Tech

Friday 2nd August 

Chocolate Muffin

Step 1 

- 1 1/2 cup of sugar
- 2 Tsp cocoa 
- 1/2 cup of milk 
- 1/2 cup of oil 
- 1 egg 

Step 2 

- Mix well and serve Table spoon each muffin 
- 180 " Bake " 

Thank You For Reading!

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Wood Technology - Finger joint

Image result for finger joint           Related imageImage result for finger joint

Thursday 28 March 2019 

Step 1 -  Measuring finger joints for you base 
Step 2 - Cutting the finger joints 
Step 3 - Gluing the box together 
Step 4 - Creating the boxes lid 

Thursday, December 13, 2018

End Of Year Post.

Friday 14 December 2018.
This year has been a roller coaster! 
There were many ups & downs within our class but we still managed to get through it! 
There has been many stressful days, happy days, and sad days. 
I hope that the students saw me as a good Role Model as I took part in leadership.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Compare & Contrast

Thursday 6 December 2018
Learn - Understand what is Advent
This Venn Diagram explains what I know about Advent and Lent. It also shows that I know the difference between them both. On the left is what I know about Advent that makes it different to Lent. On the right is what I know about Lent that makes it different to Advent. In the middle of both circles is what is the same about both Advent and Lent.